Google search problems?

We often get asked to get rid of troublesome internet content on behalf of clients. This could be negative news stories, malicious bloggers or disgruntled clients with an axe to grind.

For professionals this can be very damaging and costly as most people Google a name before they do business with them. If they don’t like what they see they tend to shop elsewhere.

But it’s not as simple as pressing the delete button.

The truth is it is very difficult to completely remove negative content from Google search. The only grounds for this are when websites show personal details such as bank accounts, medical records, photographs of signatures, explicit images, etc.

Generally speaking the most effective approach is to bury negative search results in Google where people are unlikely to find them.

The correct professional method, which is proven to work in the vast majority of cases, is to create high quality online information on high ranking sites that score highly in Google search. Anyone can do it but then again anyone can do their own plumbing – personally I’d rather a professional did mine.

We also offer technical help to optimise existing content in tandem with adding new material.


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